''Keep It in the Family'' is an American television game show hosted by Bill Nimmo (Keefe Brasselle hosted the pilot) and announced by Johnny Olson which ran on ABC from October 12, 1957 to February 8, 1958. The series was created by Leonard Stern (who later produced ''Get Smart'' and ''McMillan & Wife'') and Roger Price (who created ''Droodles'' and ''Mad Libs''). The show was produced by Frank Cooper Productions (which also produced ''Dotto'', ''What Happened?'' and a TV version of ''Droodles''), and was replaced by ''Dick Clark's Beechnut Show'', which ran until 1960. ==Gameplay== A sort of forerunner of ''Family Feud'', the game involved two five-member teams of families, each starting the game with 200 points. In each round, the teams were given a category and then alternated bidding for control. The difficulty of the question also increased with the amount of the bid. Bidding was played as an auction until one team either challenged their opponents or bid the 100 point maximum. The winning bid team was then asked a five-part question, with the youngest members generally getting the easier question parts and the older members getting the difficult parts. when a family answered all five parts of the question correctly, they received the amount of their bid plus a bonus prize. But, if a team missed any part of the question, the amount of their bid was deducted from their score. The game continued until one team scored 350 points and won the game. However, if a team's score fell below 100 points, that team automatically lost. The winners then faced a new family. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Keep It in the Family (U.S. game show)」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク